In Mockito it exists the possibilty to use ArgumentCaptor to allow developers to verify the arguments used during the call of mocked method, but not the result itself.
Indeed, in the current release of Mockito it's not possible to capture it and my solution to do that is to build a ResultCaptor class which implements the Answer interface and generify it for more conveniance.
Let's take a look.
Create the ResultCaptor class
public static class ResultCaptor<T> implements Answer<T> {
private T result = null;
public T getResult() {
return result;
public T answer(InvocationOnMock invocationOnMock) throws Throwable {
//noinspection unchecked
result = (T) invocationOnMock.callRealMethod();
return result;
In this quite simple implementation we see that the ResultCaptor class implements the Answer interface which force to override the answer method. We use this "interceptor" to call the real method of spied bean and capture the result to store it in the current context.
Use the ResultCaptor class
ResultCaptor<ServiceResult> serviceResultCaptor = new ResultCaptor<>();var message = new Message("id", "hello all!");
doAnswer(serviceResultCaptor).when(serviceSpy).sendMessage(message);// do the callvar serviceResult = serviceResultCaptor.getResult();
assertThat(serviceResult.getWhatever()).isEqualTo("Whatever");And that's it !
If you want a Spring boot example you can clone repository :
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